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King SealYT

A member registered May 27, 2021

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why cant I move or control the bubble?

I read the controls

but me no lie

Are you talking to me

yes they are

But as there are different factions/kingdoms of humans, there are different factions/kingdoms of wolfs and dogs.

Maybe we have not yet allied with your faction

Yes, we have formed successful alliances with the Sea Lions, the Dog/Wolf Factions, the Cats(pending), and the Rocketeers of America.

Assistants in any future battles and wars. Trade and funding.

I think you may be mistaken. I assure you that all of us in the Seal Empire would never betray an alliance. The only kingdom that we have betrayed was the Polar Bear Kingdom. We had good reason for doing so, they were eating us seals. So, once again I assure you, if we form an alliance, we will both benefit from it.

The Seal Empire requests an alliance with the potato people.